
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Is it just mine, or is everyone having a problem with blogger today?

Folks in New Orleans will be delighted to know real help is on the way. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have taken up residence in the Crescent City, where they want their children to go to school. They have purchased a mansion in the French Quarter. Considering they generally repair to "issues" oriented areas, I think I'd be a little offended if they deemed my town worthy of descending upon.

For the record, Angelina takes a lot of flak for being kooky and out there, but other than the occasional nasty public kissing session with her brother, I've always found her to be remarkably down-to-earth and sensible. For all her glam-doll veneer, I think she makes more sense in interviews than the usual Hollywood star.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Conspicuous celebrity welfare antics are starting to wear thin with me. Every thing they do becomes some look at me photo op.

  2. I got so pissed at blogger yesterday I set up a blog on Wordpress. It looks like it's gonna be good. You can import your blogspot blog and then you have to correct links to images to get away from blogspot. I started at the top and uploaded some to Wordpress and will continue working my way down. And categories are neat. I like it even more today that yesterday. Hey, ain't that a song? Check it out at Myron's Random Thoughts

  3. As for the Brangelina kids, will it be public or private, hmmmm?

  4. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Private school, fer sure. A whole phalanx of armed guards I'm sure.

    I've always seen her as someone who is intelligent, but exibitionistic. Getting off a bit too much on public displays (lingering on-camera smooches with her bro or ex hubby Billy Bob). Makes me think that much of the philanthropy is also a display. She's too aware of how she looks doing everything.

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Maybe there'll be some interesting personal videos coming out some day.

  6. Anonymous12:12 PM

    So they're adopting the city?

  7. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Given the current state of the NOLA school system (i.e., pretty much only charter schools and private are open and no one has any clue what is going to happen with the regular public school system, I feel really sorry for their children. The oldest is old enough for kindergarten.

    I also think she's a complete ass for creating the illusion that "she wants to befriend normal moms" when she's moving into a $3.5 million mansion. Those aren't "normal" people. Not even close.

  8. I think she has just enough brains to sound just slightly less retarded than most other celebrities. But she doesn't get a pass from me. Except for kissing her brother on the mouth. I thought that was pretty cool.
