
Friday, January 19, 2007

Proof positive that pound for pound, English television is not as stupefying as American tv

The brilliant Stephen Fry hosts a quiz show called QI in which incredibly hard questions are asked, and the contestants are given points for the creativity of their answers. There's loads of banter. Other guests of the show have included Hugh Laurie, but Alan Davies of Jonathan Creek fame seems to be the most regular contestant. As you may have noticed from the video, Davies is quite clever. Oh, and I have seen him buying vegetables. Stephen Fry's impersonations of Christopher Lee and Vincent Price are sublime.


  1. Anonymous2:42 AM

    And Manny!!! Have you seen Black Books, a comedy about a used book shop and its misanthrope of an owner? Stephen Fry has aged a bit, though, in recent years. I wonder if this clip is old-ish.

  2. I did not want that clip to end! Now that's television!

    "I have seen him buying vegetables" shall be uttered many times around the zombie household today.

  3. Yay! Manny! Listen to Meg and watch "Black Books." It's brilliant.

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Another great poff, not that there's anything wrong with that. Favorite line of his from a flick, as he's being drug out of a room away from a woman he's pursuing, "I'm engorgedly enamored of you!" Their TV can be hilarious. I mean, without good british TV there,d be nothing but pledge braks on PBS, right? But they've got stinkers too. Check out this site

    for all sorts of info on British TV and films. Enjoy.

  5. do you know this woman?
    go get to know this woman if you do not already. right skippy now.

    she kicks ass and just moved to tejas, chickie. just GO THERE NOW.
    (gem sweaters are sexy and make my butt look smaller. it's a fact!)

  6. p.s. british tv is the only thing
    that got me through the 70's.

    that and marijuana.

    long live the BEEB!

  7. Yeah, Stephen Fry is possibly the greatest living Englishman. What's more, he can work with Americans, having starred with Rita Rudner in Peter's Friends.

  8. I haven't watched the youtube clip but I have been watching the show on TV and love it -- the thing is it isn't a quiz show as such -- no one cares about getting the answers right or who actually wins -- the "questions" just focus on topics for genial banter and intelligent entertainment.

    We do also suffer from some real drivel on TV too.
