
Friday, January 19, 2007

OK. I am SO stoked.

Leslie and the Lys are bringing their Gem Sweater Collection to Dallas' white trash bar Double-Wide on May 2. On May 1, I'm probably going up to Denton to see her at Rubber Gloves, and I'm going to drag Holly B along so I'll have an excuse to sleep on her couch. Right, cuz?

Anyway. I'm more excited than I can possibly convey. You need to get those nights off work, sis.


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    That looks interesting.. hip hop all girl act with gem sweaters?

    Why haven't I seen this on VH1 ?

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    OH HECK YES!!! I am so there. Marking my calandar right now. Dad, I'll need you and mom to watch the kids on May 2. A

  3. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I think THAT auditioned on American Idol the other night! No wait, the boobs aren't hanging low enough!

  4. hammer - I know she was on VH1 or MTV at some point - you can find the clips on her site - she's hilarious - she's so , so , IOWA!

    A - It's going to be SO cool!

    mj - wow! Great to see you. Yeah - we definitely need pictures with Leslie!

    leazwell - I'll give a full recounting of all the gory details. By the way, I bought several of her floaty pens and I love the crap out of them - very cute, very funny.

    mushy - *L* She's in a realm apart from the mere mortals in the American Idol competition!

  5. Oh she looks awesome! I can't decide if I love her glasses or her over-all gold lame better.

    Am I mistaken, or did you once feature her a few months back?

  6. barbara - Yeah, you've got to go to her website - oh, and you'd LOVE her floaty pens - she's sitting there in her giant white sensible bra™ and the gem-sweater floats down and covers her - it's so great. Yes, I love the gold pants, 'cause in Iowa, this is how we play!

    Yup, I posted her when I first found her about 6 months ago. LOVE her. Love the gold pants and the scary 80s glasses, which are making a huge comeback, by the way. Frightful! It's like a synthetic overload - I'm feeling high on all the sauce!

  7. Anonymous3:34 PM

    It's the blue eyeshadow that does it for me!
    And you don't have to sleep on the couch. I have a guest ROOM with a Queen sized bed for your glorious self.
    If Rubber Gloves was about 4 blocks closer we could WALK from my house. But, I think we should drive, it bein' night and all.
    Can hardly wait, bouncin' and gigglin' at the thought of us going out together.
