
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In my opinion, click here to see a great reason to fly AirTran. I've gone shopping on several recent occasions, and the squalling, misbehaving brats in the stores made me want to spank the parents. Here's to an airline with the guts to remove crappy parents and their evil spawn before the plane gets off the ground.


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    A naughty kid AND a refund AND a freebie... ^%$#@

    (Phlegmmy, blogger's acting up - if this is duplicated, please zap it.)

  2. As a parent, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I've had to wrestle my oldest into airplane seats, after drugging her with Benedryl and threatening her with life-altering physical abuse, to the disgust of everyone around me. But if I were to let her scream and kick and cry and hit me and hit everyone else, they would have looked at me with disgust just the same.

    I've gotten to the point where I don't care anymore. If someone disapproves, they can keep my child quiet for me.

  3. meg - *L*

    zelda - I can't imagine your kids are THAT wild, though. I know they are smart, energetic girls with a healthy dose of curiosity, especially the little dictator you are rearing up there. You're right, damned if you do, damned if you don't. However, I think there's a bit of a difference between an opportunistic child on a bent to give mommy hell versus the perennial hellion who obviously has both his/her parents cowed at all times.

  4. Anonymous7:35 PM

    That would be worth paying extra for:)

  5. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Thanks for a GREAT story. I think I would have to hug those flight attendants. And all things considered, those parents were amply compensated. They should quit bitchin' and count their friggin' blessings. It was probably a scam to get all those goodies!

  6. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I heard about that. We should all send them congrats emails. Maybe it'll spread.

  7. Hahahaha! I saw that! Yeah, we should disrupt the flight (and then the flight patterns of all other planes scheduled in our paths) so you can cuddle your brat over the 15 minutes they already gave you so she'll sit in her freaking seat.

    If it was my kid, I'd stuff him in my duffel and kick him under the seat in front of me.

    Not really, but it's a satisfying visual. LOL

  8. I can't believe they got free tickets. Yes, maybe they were trying, but after a 15 minute delay, it was justified that they were kicked off.

  9. LOL I always err on the side of silence. If candy does it (which it never does) great. If the threat of physical correction does it, I'm using it. Certain behavior will be tolerated only as long as it takes me to find a paddle.
