
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Finger-picking good

OK, an Ozark musician wins out over Black Flag. Maybe next time, Henry.
This is a delightful example of finger-picking performed by Jimmie Driftwood in 1988, and I know you'll love the story of the origin of his guitar, Barbara.
Sometime soon I'll post a recording of my grandpa playing - he was a sublime guitarist and played on a gorgeous 3/4 Martin from about the 1930s. Sounds like home to me.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Wow, that's really cool. I'd never actually seen Jimmy Driftwood, so that was a real treat. The other video that guy has posted is just as neat, since I've never seen anyone else fingerpick on a dobro.

    And please post the recording of your grandpa.

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Loved his story of the origin of his guitar. And I too am looking forward to your grandpa's recording.

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    The clip is too short! I wanted to hear the whole piece. And looking forward to your grandpa!

  4. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Dang, we used to go see him up at Mountain View every so often (Baldknobbers!). I got a copy of the old school newsletter this week and they've put together a CD collection of that old gang from 1963's first Arkansas Folk Festival.

