
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Golly, I love that song. The video is not the point - but I didn't know a source to link just the audio from the web, so that will have to do.

When every event is tension-filled and it seems the whole house of cards is balanced on one teeny fulcrum at every turn, I get crisis-fatigue. Know what I mean? Anyway, happy or not with the way things happen, "Let Go" is a lovely reminder that good things can come of bad, and maybe you're focusing on the wrong thing to begin with.

Things have been really stressful to me for some reason lately. I'm not feeling burned out on my job, in and of itself, but one person in particular has become a pebble in my shoe AND they have my cell number and abuse it--having called me on days off two weeks in a row, waking me up in one case. I'm getting a new cell foam tomorrow, and I'll program their phone number with the name "SATAN" next to it so I'll know not to answer when they call. My current phone has a cracked display which doesn't, so screening calls is not really an option. And I'll just have to be satisfied with my fantasy of him duct-taped to a chair, covered in Crisco and me with a flame-thrower.

No wait - that's the wrong answer. I'm going to let it go, right?

The recording is by Frou Frou and the singer is Imogen Heap. I'm practically peeing myself because I'll be seeing her in Dallas in a few weeks. *joy* I love her style.

I gave my sister and my awesome brother-in-law tickets to come with me, and that will be cool. I think the last time we all went to a show together, they were in high school, 1989, The Cure at Texas Stadium. I think Curve opened for them, or Lush. Can't remember.

Here's a funny story about that night. BiL is 6'4" and along with the 3 of us, another couple from their school came to the show that night. Texas Stadium is terraced, and someone from the next deck up was throwing ice down on the people on our level. I turned to my future BiL and said "let's go kick their asses!." Now, mind you, I was 5'2" of ass-kicking machine (I know - what was I thinking?!!) and his friend was along for the ride. At that moment, though, I had no doubt of my prowess. OK, I WAS loading 100 pound bags of mail into trucks all day at the time, but I dunno - I'm not exactly skilled in the arts of combat, unless you count pissing people off.

So I led the way and here these two young men came with me to the upper deck, and we saw the perps, but they'd moved away from their place and were watching from about 40 yards away, knowing that we came to put an end to their shenanigans. I saw one of them had a huge - must have been a 36 ounce --beer that was about $12, and they'd left it sitting on the floor by where they'd been sitting when they were throwing ice. Oops! I kicked it over and smiled sweetly as one of them slipped into a purple-faced rage.

A ZZ Top-looking usher/bouncer/crowd control guy came up to us and said "is there a problem?" and I said "no, but there's going to be if those guys keep throwing ice down on us." I suppose he rode herd on the jerks, because they didn't throw any more ice on us. Or maybe they were afraid of BiL & his friend. Or maybe they were afraid of me.

Anyway, I expect there will be no need to do any butt-kicking at the Imogen Heap concert. It will all be sweetness and light and I'll be on good behavior. I'm slightly more mature.


  1. I'm a little short of 4'10", but in college I had a physics lab partner who was 6'10". Talk about belonging to a totally different species! Rick could reach anything without even getting up so in return I did most of the experiments, which worked out well. I forgot about him until today. Thanks! Enjoy the concert.

  2. meg - *L* That must have been a sight, the two of you in the lab! Thanks for the story - it's adorable! Yeah, I will enjoy the much needed break of going to hear some exquisite music played live.

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Hey sis, I think it was Curve. I'm so jazzed about seeing Immi, thanks so much for the tickets. Husband is falling in love with her too but I think he wants me to stop singing...

  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Meg, I bet Rick thought you were the perfect height! ::smirk::

  5. Curve , sis, yeah, I thought so. What a great show that was, eh? Did BiL think I was a retard, or did he just think it was hilarious, the "let's go kick their asses" thing? I'm laughing about that now. Yeah, what's not to like about Imogen? Why'd she have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore her.

    tony - Tsk! Tsk!

  6. Love those lyrics .. thanks for posting them. So true. Enjoy the concert!

  7. Naughty Tony. Rick had a pin-up girlfriend who was about 5'10"; I never actually met her because she was asleep during the day a lot. I wonder why.

  8. You need to go with me to my concerts. You could kick the guy/gal's butt that kept rolling beer bottles (years back) down under our seats, or the girl that screamed "Rod, I love you!" through the whole concert, and more.

    Next time I get a screamer at a concert, I hope she's with a guy...I'm going to lean in and say to him, "If you don't shut her up, I'm gonna kick your ass!"

  9. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Lab partner? Mine was 4'10"

    I still remember her.

  10. mary - thanks hon! I WILL enjoy it!

    meg - eek - tall people - I usually imagine them being too large and ungainly to do anything efficiently. Except the pro basketball guys - they're pretty fast...

    mushy - Yeah, I'll be your 5'2" bodyguard - I have an alarming lack of a fear chip, which may not be completely wise. Maybe people are just too shocked by my sass to give me shit back. Whatever, works, I say. You ought to do that - it sucks when people ruin a show for other people. Meh.

    lightningbug's butt - naughty!

    hammer - squirt guns as prizes? That is beneath stupid!!! Good thing you were so persuasive - obviously the water squirting thing is a childish and idiotic thing to do.
