
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Arnold Rimmer meets the female version of himself

Red Dwarf - good stuff!


  1. hammer - it's a total classic - I LOVE it! Rimmer is hilarious - he's a fantastic actor.

  2. That was hysterical. "I'm not that kind of boy."

  3. Thanks for the reminder of how funny that series was. My favorite was the machine that would let them go back in time and interject themselves into an event. Kryton want to go back to "the grassy knoll in Dallas" and yell "Duck". Then he says, "Sorry, my good taste chip malfuntioned."
    Of course I also adored the computer named "Holly"!
    Thanks again.

  4. zelda - I thought it was a riot. LOVED it. She really got the officious prat energy of Rimmer down pat.

    hollyb - That was the series 7 (or was it 6) opening episode called "Tikka To Ride." LOVE LOVE LOVE that episode, and not just because of the tie-in.

  5. Oh God, don't you miss Red Dwarf? The British, damn them, always close a winner before it isn't anymore. I hate that. I'd rather they waited until the whole thing got really lame - and then I wouldn't miss the show.

  6. Excellent show. They need to get the hell rid of that "Are You Being Served?" crap on my local PBS and get back to Blackadder and stuff.

  7. lj - I loved the SHIT out of that show - it was so hilarious! Yeah, Craig Charles was in prison last I heard - he was doing another series in England, but had some drugs problems and then got arrested. Poor guy - he's so adorable. So clever and funny, I wish he didn't have that horrid problem to struggle with.

    fathairybastard - Yeah, one of the best, ever. I dunno, though, every once in a blue moon I like AYBS?. I love Mrs. Slocum - she's always got a lilac colored wig on or some such crazyness - it's like hair from A Clockwork Orange. That show was strange, but I really liked it, in middling doses. But yeah, Blackadder so rocks - 'specially Blackadder II, in which Rowan was, erm, uh, rather... HAWT! MEow. *yes, that's me howling at the moon.*
