
Saturday, October 14, 2006

To my darling baby sister:

The doctor reckoned you'd arrive October 5th, but in your ornery way, you had your own ideas. I prayed all day long on my birthday that you would come then, but again, you set your own agenda. Of course, when I saw you I fell in love instantly and forgave you for making me wait the additional 6 days. You have always been a living doll, and I'll always adore you as much as I did way back before you could exhibit demonstrably different opinions from my own.

Happy Birthday, Sister!


  1. Aww, Phlegmy, what a great big Sissy {as in TXn for Sister} you are! I hope she read and appreciated have an entire blog in her honor.

    And to hit two blogs w/ the same stone... that's a great Sunday blog about your Daddy and Uncle, the horseshoe Kings, too.

    You have one great fam, girl.

  2. I love this PF. Particularly the second to last sentence, which made me laugh out loud.

  3. Happy for ya, but my sisters a huge pill. Always has been, and has only expanded in size and scope over the years. I'm sure she'd say the same about me. I know she would. I've heard her say it. She was foisted upon us all 50ish years ago this 28th.

  4. My sister's birthday is in about a month, and I've had this card for about 9 weeks, and I haven't written anything on it, because all I could think of was, "Boy, we're both getting old!".... Yikes.... Not only can I not come up with jems like yours, I don't even think like that any more.....(Not that I'm pretending to be in the same league with you, but...) And frankly, I was enjoying being the only kid until that day... Soul-searching time - I'll go sit in the corner.

  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    thanks sis, and likewise...

  6. hollyb - I'm rich in the only way that matters. :)

    lj - well, you know, we ARE sisters!

    fathairybastard - part of being siblings is loving each other in spite of the flaws

    aw, meg - you love your sissie, weave her a lovely wrap and she'll get the point!

    thanks, sis!
