
Sunday, October 15, 2006

See my Dad.
See my Dad win at horseshoes.
Win, Dad, win!

Dad and Uncle (remember the guy who fried the dog testicles with the car cigarette lighter? Yeah, that uncle) have been competing at a local annual country fair horseshoe match on and off for the past 20 years or so. Today was the first time they've pitched horseshoes since the last time they won a few years ago. Most of the time they have taken top honors in the match.

Needless to say, Dad and Uncle kicked horseshoe butt on Saturday. I had fun capturing a few ringers in action, and here's one of them. Here's also one of many pairs of double-ringers my pop pitched, and a futile attempt of an opponent to stay in the game. This is the first time I've actually watched the match throughout in each game my Pop competed in. It was amazing to see my Dad making short work of the task. Considering what a hash they made of most other teams, I'd say it's a kindness that they don't practice before the matches. Well done, Dad!

Lovely niece was in the parade and nephew scarfed up a boatload of candy from the parade people, so a good time was had by the whole family, and I got a bit of R&R the likes of which I haven't had in weeks, it seems.



  1. I love horseshoes!

    Thanks for the photos. I love photos! Nice action shot, that last one. I can hear the clank and ringing sound as it goes around and settles to the dirt.

  2. Horseshoes ARE cool, aren't they, Mushy? There's something incredibly satisfying about the sound of the horseshoes clanging together and the sound they make when the thud into earth. I was thrilled with every mid-ringer shot I took yesterday. It's fun gauging the timing for snapping the action shots. Glad you enjoyed this, and I'm always ready to show off my Papa.

  3. So glad the doggie experiences didn't scar the boys - your Dad doesn't just save baby lives, he enjoys himself, too! Woo Whoo, Texas Daddy!

  4. Geez. Aren't they cute as bugs smiling with trophies in hand? I'm sure they'd hate being "cute" but they ARE.

  5. meg - Yeah, they seem to have survived nicely - and yeah, he's one of the most delightful people you could meet - lots of laughter whereever my dad is - he's a good guy!

    lj - Well, _I_ thought it was pretty cute. It was fun to see them going about their business and just doing a fantastic job, too. Fun.

  6. Ya gotta love to see good old boys with skills. That stuff is loads of fun. Ever seen people pitch washers? That blew me away when I saw it for the first time a few years ago in Terlingua. Just dig a hole in the dirt and pitch away. Fun with no money. Yer dad and his brother remind me of my own uncles.

  7. We ought to play that around here.
    Make a change from stealing cars and burniing them out.

  8. I can't get over the top picture - he twists his wrist at the last moment possible? I think this photo is a great one in capturing the details of a deceptively simple act. Or maybe this was Daddy-O's trade secret?

  9. fathairybastard - yeah, my pop has MAD horseshoe skills. And yes, the washer pitching used to be an event at the same fair, but it wasn't ever nearly as popular as the horseshoe thingie.

    tickersoid - yes, and it's much safer than grand theft auto!

    meg - Yeah, the wrist may be a part of it - what's amazing is that when properly done, the horseshoe doesn't spin over and over, but turns one revolution in the air, hooking its edge at the last minute on the stake - it takes strength, grace and a great deal of precision to play as well as my dad does.

  10. Well, this time next year, you'll be posting youself and dear sister throwing those U-shapes, for sure!
