
Monday, March 20, 2006

(Sorry - blogger photo is wonky right now - will add later. )

I ordered some supplies for the office at my part-time job, and now I'm on crap mailing lists, and these appalling catalogs keep coming to the office, addressed to me, of course. My current favorite is the tackiest one so far which includes all manner of drain-unclogging products, toilet seat pads, and house shoes with mop-bottoms so you can dust your floor as you shuffle around the house. Seriously. But by far, my favorite product is the Nippits™ which are like little adhesive rubbermaid daisies you can stick on your breasteses to keep the nipples from showing through. This amazes me. Why cover up all that creamy goodness?? Besides, If I can't hyp-mo-tize you with my bewitching eyes, then I'll have to resort to plan B and pull you in with my twin tractor beams of feminine mojo. Everybody wins.


  1. I wan't some of those things, I'll wear them to work on my forehead.

  2. grace - maybe it's an attempt to cut down on sexual harrassment, covering up the leetle flowairs! (that was my Pepe le Pew impersonation, by the way)

    ben - yeah, some things are just too wonderful to be contained on a single .jpg

    tickesoid - if you'll really do that and document with photographs, I'll send you some, seriously!

  3. Don't you know nipples aren't allowed at work? Next thing you know, they'll be running the place...

  4. I've spent too much on bras trying to cover them up, so they don't poke through in the middle of a Board meeting. Despite what we've been told, it's not always an asset at work.

  5. This invention is evil--the product of Satanic tampering with the natural order of things. Next thing you know, they'll be marketing skirt-lengtheners and cleavage filler. Stop the madness!!

    -- david

  6. This invention is just plain wrong. When Kinky is elected, he will put an end to this atrocity in Texas.

  7. Y'know, if I was going to go through all the trouble of sticking pasties to myself, I think I'd skip it and just go ahead and wear the bra.

  8. Sure thing, I would much rather have my breasts look like funky lumps than let my nipples show through my shirt.

    I made the mistake of putting my name all over paperwork when I went to a seminar. Now I get catalogs and paperwork about seminars left and right. Too bad I misplaced that one on "How to Become More Organized".

  9. Let my nipples go!

  10. Didn't George Clooney use this product for Batman and Robin, I'm sure Nippits needs a celebrity spokesperson.

  11. barbara - nipples are anarchists. Well, mine are, anyhoo.

    becky - I don't have the option of leaving my nipples at home when I go to work, and mine would make their presence known even if I plastered my chest with composition shingles or a brass brassiere, etc.

    david - yes, clearly a conspiracy is afoot

    fuzzbox - we should start a letter-writing campaign immediately

    o.g. hahaha yeah - that's a hard-learned lesson

    zelda - go tell it on the mountain!

    ranea - yes, they demand attention!

    will - I can't think of a better celebrity spokesperson. I think you've hit on something there

  12. Haha ... and to think someone is very rich for thinking of these.

  13. OOoh, composition shingles - one of Victoria's big secrets.

  14. Um...

    This is hysterical...

    "let's obscure them"

    Then you go to

    "let's get some attention."


  15. Office supplies hmmm? Nippets aren't in the the catalogues that have crossed my desk. I know because I read them cover to cover :-)

    Thanks for your visits chez moi pf. It's nice here - I'll be back. And anyone who has Wings of Desire on their list of favourite films is one of the good guys. Fabulous - saw it 3 times and now have it on DVD.

  16. hahaha "nipples are anarachists" -my dear, you've just provided me with today's quote. Thanks!

  17. That underdeveloped model needs to take those Nippits off. Her nipples are our only clue that she has actual breasts.

  18. Those are great for the chicks with the crooked nips you know the ones that are located at 10 and 4....

    or the ones that end up on the bottom of their boobs...Like they are looking for pennies on the street...

  19. heather b - I dunno - it seems they would be painful to peel off, so I don't know how many repeat customers they'd have

    liz - tee hee

    nuggetmave - thanks for the link - I knew there was such a product out there

    my thoughts exactly, mini driver wannabe!

    Actually, Mary - the catalog was full of homey items, but came to the office.

    barbara - glad I could help out

    june c's revenge - excellent point. er. points.

    blogwhore - yeah, I suppose. pennies on the street? Bwahahaha
