
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Happiness is a raft of new (old) hankies

Hankies are great for throwing in fabric projects here and there, but I also like carrying a hankie. Found some pretties at an estate sale this weekend. :)


  1. Jedi Master Ivyan3:10 AM

    Those are really pretty. I especially like the top left and the roses. Have fun with them.

  2. Young lady -
    Might I inquire as to the weight of the smallest doxie? We have a 7 pounder and haven't seen anything that will fit around her chest without being far too large for the rest of her. I thank you and Annie thanks you.
    The Old Man

  3. Lady, I have been collecting hankies for years, never use Kleenex (unless I am out somewhere and without my trusty hankie) Only once was I reprimanded for using a hankie over a reasons...sodding idiot tho that employer was I paid little attention and submitted my well researched paper on the health advantages of using handkerchiefs...I also stated that I would stop using them ONLY if the employer (who was male and with a handkerchief in his pocket)forced all males to stop using them also...heh.
    Le Conteur
