
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

John Fluevog Boston is the best!!!

Had a grand time in Boston Proper at the marvelous John Fluevog shop. To my sheer delight, I found the sales associate who helped me with the sizing for my last order of Vogs was in the shop. Her name is Johnny, and she is the BEST! I told her that I wasn't buying yesterday, but that I wanted to fact-find on various shoe styles for (hopefully) future purchases.  She was super, patient, and informative.  Good thing, too, because the sizes I needed in the different models ranged 3 whole sizes.

Having a grand time with friends. :)

Had the best Roast Beef sandwich ever from Mino's in Marblehead (Mass) yesterday. My demands were pretty much met with the trip to Fluevog, but I did inform my lovely hostess yesterday that I MUST have another of those sandwiches again before I go home.  THAT good.  I never knew roast beef could be so delicious.