
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Chuy is a hot dog

He is churning out massive PTUs*
I need to turn down my electric blanket. 

*puppy thermal units

Update two hours later: turned the electric blanket from the 5 to the 3. It's super cold out, and now all my furry snug-bugs are glued to me. They are so sweet. I'm sure they're not just using me for my warmth!  ;)

Snowing and accumulating. Good thing I've got plenty of grub in the house. 

Aaaaaaand it's not too cold for the neighborhood skunk to make his 5:30 AM circuit. And it's not cold enough to settle down said skunk's stink molecules. Shooie!


  1. OH lovely... and NO escape...

  2. JohninMd.(Help!?!!)3:21 AM

    So where is Hmself and his trusty .22?are tree rats all he snipes?
