
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A sweet ending to summer

Today is the first day of Fall. Fittingly, the air had a new, dry coolness yesterday that was most refreshing after a week of sauna-like unpleasantness. 

I have hummingbirds, and they feast on this incredibly hardy 3 year old salvia that stalwartly withstood brutal degrees of neglect and water deprivation, and thrived anyway. Going to put a few more hardy specimens in over the next few weeks and see if I can get more self-managing color about the place to delight the butterflies and bees, as well as the hunmingbirds. :)

Passed my first mental health exam, and passed my first med/surg exam by a happy margin. I'm on my way!

Sorry for missing the puppy Sunday post,  but I was wiped out after clinicals last week, all of which went well. I had a call about a tech job at the hospital I applied for, and I'm hoping I can get an interview today or tomorrow. It would be a boon to future nursing work for me, as I'd have a job lined up for summer, and I'd get lots of experience putting in I.V. and catheters and such. Fingers crossed!


  1. Well done, you! Kudos on the expressions of interest in your skills. You are on your way!

  2. Looks good, and I could watch them for hours... Congrats on the progress!

  3. Good luck with the job application.
