
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A comfort level with contradictions

I have noticed on Facebook that people I know who are anti-vaccination fanatics are also big fans of Obamacare.  This seems a massive contradiction to me. They go off on rabid tirades about the louche/illegal/unsafe practices of the entire pharmaceutical industry and the FDA allowing them to get away with it, and yet they are comfortable with another federal agency running every aspect of their healthcare?  There's no polite or delicate way to describe this order of stupidity.


  1. Why do you think that they think?

    They haven't got the brains that a gnat has.

  2. And they don't even realize their cupidity... sigh

  3. And your typical liberal reply would be.....

    Oh, but that's DIFFERENT!

  4. Have they not heard that the IRS will be handling all of their medical expenses and fine them if the bill is not paid?

    I cringe at socialized medicine...I am not sure that anyone actually read all of the act and then laid down and signed up for it.

    Le Conteur
