
Friday, February 07, 2014

I had no idea HOW silly...

I've figured out what happened. Yeaterday morning Praline jumped high on some furniture and a flowerdy hat of mine fell to the floor. I walked into the room(thank goodness I saw this) to find Mochi merrily munching the hat ornament. I rushed Mochi to the vet, expecting their X-ray to find nothing, but just in case. Good thing I did, too, because she had ingested an entire wired spray of blossoms. Scamp!

I feel idiotic and so disappointed in the whole thing. Had her home from surgery by the end of the day. She is resting and seems on the mend. Looking forward to my pup being more plucky again. 

Meantime, I need to do a serious sweep of my house for stuff that would damage a little digestive tract. *sigh*

I'm so thankful she's going to be okay, though. 


  1. Glad she is ok! Welcome to that special club "Your dog ate what?". My zinger was Odis eating part of a cd. I actually blamed the other two, had them at the vet for observation/x-rays when I found a broken cd with a large chunk missing. Vet and I chalked it up to I must have overlooked the missing pieces cause these two didn't eat it. 2 days later the new guy was pooping glitter. We finally decided Odis has a gizzard and it just ground up the pieces which passed in all their glitzy glory. (Odis was fine, btw)

  2. THat is so funny, Tass. I've been amazed at the things I've found embedded in dog poop. Glad to hear Odis didn't have problems after his sparkly leavings!

  3. Having spent some of my past misbegotten life as a vet - I am usually not surprised at the munchings of Les Pups...but this is a new one - she managed all of the flowery parts in what? 1 minute...I am so very glad she is going to be alright - she is such a hoyden and so comforting to you that I could imagine how you must are the others treating her - hopefully with comfort and soft ears...

    Le Conteur

  4. Ouch... Glad you got her in and she's okay...

  5. Tuned in to see 'Sunday, Puppy Sunday' and got a little more 'photograph' than I bargained on...nice to see the pup on the inside. Glad she's OK.

  6. Wowzers! Glad your pup is ok!

    I once knew a big dog who ate one of those woven cotton thermal blankets...$3000 later, the vet had rebuilt the GI tract.
