
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Never thought I'd say this but...

...getting up very early to study before going to school really suits me.

I have nearly two hours until class and all my homework was completed last night, so now I'm free to do additional reading.  Actually, it's reading I really should do, and not supplemental, but the nature of this kind of information overload dictates that sometimes you read what you have to read to get by.  I'm trying to start off this semester with improved processes for learning.  It's too early to call if this is an improvement on my absorption level, but I'm optimistic.

Clinicals are going to be great, actually. Today is my final day of school week, so by 11 today, I'm done with classes until Monday. I do have one on-line class, but I do that entirely on my own time, so I'm not counting it in with the grind of scheduled classes.   Clinicals will be at a retirement facility where the people are in impressive states of repair, actually.  There are no assisted living folks there, and the facility is quite upscale, so I'm guessing that my hopes of helping some folks with wound care will go unfulfilled this semester.  At this point, I lean strongly in the direction of wound care.  I can say with absolute certainty that I don't want anywhere near children or babies (I'll suck it up and deal with whatever comes and I'll get through my Peds, but, given my druthers, I want no truck with snot-slingers). A good rolling purulence sounds vastly more appealing than the loin dumplings of others.  MY puppies, OTOH, are a delight to all who meet them. If human children were such darlings as my pups, I'd have no reservation about the little blighters.

I forgot to mention that I landed a small part-time job with a small PD in the area and I'm finishing up my training for that.  It is extremely quiet most of the time (hours pass with no phone or radio calls), so I'll be able to get a ton of studying done at work, too.

So, getting up early is nice, sometimes.  The pups have done their morning ablutions, everyone having fed/peed/pooped and they crawled back into the warm bed.  I wish I could read comfortably in bed.  Tried that last night, but no go.  My current mattress is just too cheap and sprung.  Ah well, I needed to get up anyway and get my darling caffeine coursing through my system.

Have a great day!


  1. Sounds like a much BETTER schedule this semester... :-)

  2. See if you can do your Peds in a Children's cancer facility...

    Le Conteur

  3. Hi, Phlegmmy. You may find this useful (I did):

    Good luck with this year's studies!

    1. This is an excellent and very helpful link. Thank you so much, Peter!!!
