
Thursday, September 05, 2013

"Why are you so cheerful?"

Went to work at the Salt Mine yesterday, on the phone all day as is my duty.  The 24 year young woman in the next veal cube sounded openly disdainful that I'm so cheerful on the phone to customers and vendors as she asked why. I patiently explained that I'm determined to have a good day, and to be kind and helpful to all I can be. 

Is that so difficult to understand?  I'm not trapped there forever. I'm moving forward with my life and working hard to achieve my ends.  Even if I were in that job the rest of my life, though, what does it serve me to be sour or touchy to people who depend on me helping them?  That would only ruin my day, and this is a precious day of my one life here.  There's enough nastiness in the world to go around without me generating more.  My day is mine and I choose happy.

Holy crap, I've got SO much to do-- it's affecting my sleep.  I've been frantically rushing from one assignment to the next because my pre-ordered books came in late and one class started with a big project due today.  It's been many years since I had 4 classes at once, and I never had 4 such demanding classes at one time, so the time management issue is a major challenge.  I'm going to get a working schedule for my study time structured within 24 hours and no more of this rushing-about. 

And still, I am cheerful.  It's going to be a great day!


  1. I've never understood why some people choose to be miserable.
    Good luck in your studies!

  2. it is what YOU make it! you go girl!!! :-)

  3. johninMd.(help?!?)6:44 PM

    I am confident that you are much more pleasant company than your fellow cubicle resident....

  4. People are like crabs. Put one in a bushel basket, and it's gone in minutes. Put a few, and the others will drag any crab trying to escape back into the basket.

  5. Kudos to you for your sensible and positive attitude. It's what make a good life.

    Good luck with the courses! Despite your course load, I am a little jealous of you being back at school.
