
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The furnacles are glued to mommy.

Spectacular thunderstorm has unsettled the pups. Chuy is pinning my shoulder down, Mochi is maximizing body contact by draping across my rib cage, and Praline thinks all will be well if she can just sit on my head. Sweet babies.   These storms don't happen often enough for this to be annoying. 


  1. And what lovely and welcome storms they are

  2. Ah yes, scared of NOTHING...well, almost...

  3. At least your dogs are of the small variety...imagine having a 80+ pound Rhodesian Ridgeback trying to climb on your head in the dark, while you are asleep in bed, all because the evil space alien ceiling-hugger smoke alarm is doing its low battery chirp! Yeah, my big fierce RR, is terrified of the smoke alarm battery chirp.
