
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Apricot Rosemary Jelly

I found a recipe for rosemary infused apricot jelly that sounded wonderful. I immediately thought of this on pork tenderloin with a sage dressing or some such. Sounded intriguing. 

Bought some apricots to do a batch Sunday night, but they were too firm and not ripe. I put them in a brown paper bag to ripen, and Monday night many were ready for processing, but quite a few were not. I made a small batch of the stuff and ended up with 1.75 pints of the stuff. I was worried it wouldn't turn out clear, but I think it's clear enough. 

Monday was such a crappy day at work that I felt doing something nice for my home and future meals would in some way restore universal balance or something. 

People should talk to themselves more before they open their mouths to others. They should think about how they sound when they complain about things. For example, when booking services for which one pays a flat fee for a job completed, it's really vile for someone to demand that the manual laborers not be given breaks for lunch or anything. I generally do not remark on inanities that are too silly to merit consideration, but I could not allow that one to go unchallenged. I explained that these are human beings and very graciously want to assist them, but I kindly refrained from observing that I questioned her humanity.   But between you and me, she has the social merit and nobility of a taint hickey.*

Thank you for searing that concept into my brain, Mike. I may never sleep sweetly again!  *_*


  1. Sounds yummy!

    Ugh. Can I just go on and revoke her personhood card?

  2. Wonderful sounding stuff. I have a bacon/onion jam recipe that will not just restore universal balance it can alter the fabric of time (hopefully back to before I ate an entire baguette with that stuff)

  3. Last year my wife had a batch of peach and strawberry jam that just didn't set up right. She wanted to dump it, but I rescued it and I have been using it as a sauce for pork and chicken...yummy stuff.
