
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

farcebook is a great way to loosely keep track of friends and family, but... wearies of its attendant baloney.

For the thousandth time, I do not want to play Lucky Slots.  I don't play slot machines in real life and I have no plan to start.  Yet about once a week, I enter FB and get a message that says "So and So wants you to play Lucky Slots."  Is So and So inviting their entire friends list once a week, or did they tell it to invite their Friends list and Lucky Slots just won't take the hint? Or is So and So telling it to invite me once a week?

I've had about enough of that. 

That's the great thing about blogs: if I go to Tam's blog, it's the Tam Show.  No fillers.  No greasy kidstuff.  No offers to help me with the pesky plague of hairloss.  Just Tam that goes to 11. 

I don't know about this Facebook thing, though.  One tires.


  1. Amen, sister.

    I've found that family is often the worst offenders on games. Ugh.

  2. You can adjust your settings so that you don't see game requests.

  3. I'm with you on this. It seems like every time I block one of those stupid games, someone develops another one. Gah! And I don't really care that someone 'checked in' at their job again this morning. Great going there! Good little worker bee telling me exactly when your house is unoccupied.
    FB is great for little blurbs and pics etc, but I'm with you. I love the blogs.

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I agree. I used to do much more FB, but since I began blogging, not so much.
    Mostly, I use it to keep up with family and friends who don't read my blog.
    All three of them...


  5. Dealing with Facebook is like trying to herd cats. It didn't take me long to close my account.

  6. I tried FB for about six months and then quit for EXACTLY the reasons you cite... and privacy issues.

  7. I've managed to ignore all of the game requests, but the privacy thing (even though all of our stuff is set to private) is plaguing me. We have decided to shut it down.

  8. Can't find "Like" button for this post...

  9. I have an AOL .. er, I mean FB acct because all my non techie friends go there to hang out.
