
Monday, February 04, 2013

Can someone 'splain me this?

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (the recent fiscal cliff bill) extended retroactively the mortgage insurance premium deduction to include mortgage expenses for 2012, which made my payments for the year fall short by nearly $300, which I can pony up now or have my mortgage increase by about $25/month.

So, I guess the name of the act is misleading. Apparently, we Taxpayers just get to dig deeper in already threadbare pockets to give relief to power-drunk officials who travel on our dime to exotic locales with entourages of hundreds of close personal friends, or fly on constituents' private jets to third world destinations that have an abundance of underage hookers.

I get it.


  1. I believe you nailed it. I just made my inflated payment from my already depleted paycheck.

  2. Same here... sigh...

  3. Huh? I don't get it.But then. I'll stop here.

  4. Anonymous8:02 AM

    You. Get. It. And your explanation of "it" is perfect!

  5. Taxpayer RELIEF Act defined: To relieve the taxpayers of as much of their money as possible.

  6. JohninMd.(HELP!)10:32 AM

    As Robert Heinlien said, "Civil servent is the semantic equivilent of civil MASTER."
    pray for us. Today is 'gun day' in the Md. State senate. And our Bozo Gov. wants to make us like N.Y. state. From my cold, dead hands.... III

  7. When the bill is filed by a Democrat, you can be sure that the name is the exact OPPOSITE of what the bill will actually do.

    Which is why the Affordable Care Act is going to drive health insurance costs through the roof.

    Which was the plan all along.
