
Saturday, November 10, 2012

What I have is a particular set of skills...

I don't know who you are.
I don't know what you want.
If you're looking for filthy lucre, I can tell you
I don't have money...
but what I do have are a very particular set of skills.
Skills that make me a dream come true for people like you.
If you don't give to Tam's tip jar now, that will be the end of it.
But if you do, I will look for you, I will find you...
...and I will adorn you.

My dear friend Tam has a problem and has no health insurance.  I've dropped a little money in her TipJar, but I'm limited in the financial arena.  What I DO have is a particular set of skills. Jewelry making skills.  For all my adult life I have railed against the insanity of having my money confiscated by the gubmint to pay for stuff for other people of which I don't approve.  I see here a chance to help out someone of whom I wholeheartedly approve and love dearly in the most expedient way possible.   That's what family does, and Tam felt like family the very first time I happened across her blog.  Then I met her in the paint and found I love her even more than I thought.  Anyway, I'm sort of thinking of what little cash I can pony up as the equivalent of all the beers I would have bought her over the years had she lived down the street.

This is my guns and roses necklace.  There are none like it.  This one is mine.  But if you'll contribute at least $25 to her tip jar, then you will have your name put into a raffle for lots of fabulous stuff among which will be a Guns And Roses necklace I'll try to get to you by Christmas, if your name is drawn and you choose this lot.  There will be a drawing and the first name drawn will be able to choose from among the array of fabulous prizes, among which mine will likely be the least, but will be as heartfelt as any.  The Guns and Roses necklace I make for the person who chooses that option will not be identical to the one below, but it will be very similar, will be one of a kind, and would be an item I'd retail for in the range of $150 to $250, depending on what components I'll include.  Some components will be sterling silver, but others will be plastic, glass, crystal and possibly pot metal, so metal allergies need not apply. There will be new and vintage, and hopefully some vintage Cracker Jack charms, of which I am particularly fond.  For every $25 you give, your name will be put in the pot once, for the drawing to take place on Thanksgiving.

Go to Old NFO's blog for details on how you can register your donation to get your name in the kitty for all the fabulous prizes.  There will be at least 2 pistols and one fabulous holster made by Mike.  I've got one of his holsters and believe me-- you WANT one.  Anyway, scrape up $25 or more and contribute.  It's for a good cause and you could walk away with something pretty valuable, but most of all, you'll be helping one of the finest women I've ever met, and the good feeling that should give you is something you can take to the bank.


  1. Fabulous necklace, and you're a fabulous friend to your friends.

  2. Thank you Lady!!! :-)

  3. Awesome, that looks very cool.

  4. You are such a powerhouse of awesome. :)
