
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How I spent my lunch today.

Went out back with puppies and picked up lovely pecans which my braces prevent me from eating, alas!

I think I'll invent the pecan smoothie.  I have to go to Dallas Monday to see the orthodontist to unwonk my braces, as a rubbery piece of ham in an omelet undid my arch wire. *le sigh*

I may be having omelet smoothies from here on out. I can't afford to miss work and I can't afford spontaneous gas tanks squandered on needless tasks. 

The pecans are beautiful, though.   I'll probably shell some and bag them up to eat when my braces come off in about 7 months.  YAY!


  1. NOT teasing you, but those are GOOD pecans!

  2. They are very good. There is a winery up here that makes a fantastic pecan dessert wine. You'd have a hard time damaging your hardware with that ;)

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    At least pecans freeze well, especially in butter pecan ice cream...

  4. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I miss the real pecan pralines that are popular in pecan country. (In this case, Spanish Fort, Alabama.)
