
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

This was one of the most thrilling events I've attended. The conference was called Yaa Halla, Y'all! and next year I hope to go to more than one evening. All the dancers were gorgeous, and there was an impressive array of ages and styles on display. There were lots of vendors with bellydance gear for sale, too.

First was a group of 27 individual professional dancers competing, and then troupes from parts far and wide. I did not envy the judges their painful task of selecting the topmost acts of the evening, because everyone was a pleasure to watch. Then finally there was a handful of some of the finest superstars of bellydance. To my delight, the luscious Ansuya performed:

...and I nearly levitated when I found out the Friday evening performance roster would conclude with the ever-delightful Sadie.

I had a grand time and am looking forward to the one next year.


  1. So very cool. I'd love to take lessons.

  2. I'm just left wondering "How did they DO that?" before the amazement at their skill and artistry hits. Wow!
