
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Syrio Forel demonstrates why we say NO CAPES!

I am quite taken with Game Of Thrones in general, but I really love Arya and her sword instructor Syrio Forel.  I am no expert on this kind of fighting, but the choreography here looks very well executed to me.  I also love how he uses an opponent's cape against him, and all the while he seems very balanced, watchful and calm. 

Syrio is brilliantly played by sword master and instructor Miltos Yerolemou.   

I also notice as Arya runs away, we hear the fight ensue, but a metal sword clangs to the stone floor.  I hope this means Syrio will appear again. 


  1. Joe Allen1:55 AM

    How very astute! If I recall correctly, his fate is also ambiguous in the book, but I certainly didn't notice that bit of sound design exposition in the HBO version. It would certainly imply, at the very least, that the remaining Lannister (spit!) guard lost his pig-sticker at some point.

    If you haven't read the books, and are just at that point in the TV story - Arya will meet another, quite interesting Braavosi at some point. Come to think of it... nevermind. Spoilers.

    As you probably know, George R.R. Martin kills more beloved main characters than Joss Whedon, J.K. Rowling and Stephen King combined. In the most recent tome, one of these literary assassinations actually caused me to throw my Kindle to the floor in disgust. If, however, at any point he kills sweet little Arya - I'm done with the story. He can pile all the trials and tribulations on her he likes - the more indignities she suffers, the better. Her stoic acceptance, and ability to quietly overcome any obstacle makes her that much more dear in comparison to that shallow, sniveling little brat Sansa.

    But. If he kills her... I will just walk away and not look back - at that point I don't give a good goddamn how it turns out. There are just some things up with which, I will not put.

    I'll just mentally put it on the shelf with Firefly - a promising epic that ended before it could deliver on it's potential.

  2. We haven't watched Game of Thrones, but I'm fascinated. Perhaps we should throw that in the queue once we've finally finished Lost and Big Bang...

  3. Jedi Master Ivyan1:14 PM

    You almost make me want to try watching the series again. I was turned off by the "adult" portions of it. But I was intrigued by some of the story lines...

  4. Joe Allen - Remember when Eddard looks in on Arya's dancing lessons and you hear real swords clanking and battle sounds and he looks troubled? I think he had a prescience of a very contentious future for her at that moment. I think her instincts are good, and that she knows violence will come to her, and she means to be prepared and not a victim. LOVE LOVE LOVE her.

    Evyl - I think it's a great show. It's not for kids, but it's excellent in many ways I find appealing.

    Jedi Master Ivyan - The "adult" portions don't go away, but when I think of the show, I don't think of that, actually. I think it's a brilliantly realized other world, and the actors are superb. I love all the strong female characters.

  5. You've managed to intrigue me with this taste of the show that I've not seen before.

    Maybe. Maybe we will try this one.

  6. Matt G - you may like it.

    Jedi Master Ivyan - I've been going to a friend's house and watching season II, and if you found season I offputting, I fear season II will send you 'round the bend. You are maybe best to not watch any more of it at all. I see that as a very small portion of the whole, but if season I bothered you, season II will be worse in a dramatic way, FYI

  7. My wife and I started watching Season 1 on Netfix, but ended up just buying it because we didn't want to wait for the next disc. I don't get HBO (and won't), but when Season II hits Amazon, my order will be in.

    The "adult" portions just make this a "not for kids" series, but I think actually add to it - these people are less "characters" and more "people."

  8. Arya and Syrio are my favorites in the early part of the series (book and show), and to echo Joe Allen, "But wait, there's more!" I do hope Syrio may show again, and Arya just simply ROCKS... nice to know others appreciate a good story!
