
Monday, August 06, 2012

blue jeans - lana del rey


  1. I like her old-time swimsuit, but the big old ear-plugs (WTF?) and all the tattoos on the dude are a big turn-off.

  2. I returned home from a long trip early this morning to find the new Saint Etienne album, "Words and Music", waiting for me in the mail pile.

    Getting physical media required ordering from

  3. NotClauswitz - I do like her retro look. the photography is gorgeous. I'm not a fan of ear plugs but the tat along his forehead on the hairline is the deal-breaker to me. I didn't like it at first, but it got its hooks in and it's rather hypnotic. very pretty video, but i keep wondering if he is drowning her?

    Roscoe - I like that song and the video - thanks for sharing the link. There was something grand about slipping the cellphane off a vinyl album, wasn't there? :)

  4. It makes me nervous, throughout.

    It's a beautiful kind of dread, though.

  5. I was an early CD adopter and never bought much on vinyl. OTOH, MP3 sounds "off" to me and I like to own physical media -- my iPod is just something I use while away from home/car.

    Blame "Dream of the Blue Turtles" for my digital preference. I never bought another album on vinyl after the experience of that CD.

  6. Man, how about an earworm mash-up? I've got the first line of this song mashing up hard against "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top.

    Now what did I do with that ice pick...?
