
Monday, July 23, 2012

It's not always this cut-and-dried, but...

in this case, I'm completely comfortable with the death penalty for everyone featured in the video and filming it.
And as swiftly as possible.  What absolute cretins.  Damn their eyes and those of anyone who would condone their actions.


  1. Slow and painful, and videotaped, of course. Disgusting.

  2. And this is happening all over- New gang initiation/promotion thing...

  3. Felony murder. All of em.

    "But Jones’ father, Terry Jones, said Monday that his son didn’t realize that the blow he was struck was fatal.

    'He was only trying to knock him out,' he said."

    Which would be aggravated assault, if it weren't including the theft of his wallet, so that's aggavated robbery with serious bodily injury. A felony in any state in this land, during which the man died. Felony murder. Put them all up for life.
