
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Miss Reet Loves Company!

About 25 years ago, an incredibly clever friend of mine, Stephanie, told me she dreamt that I opened a restaurant and called it Miss Reet Loves Company. I like that. I don't think I have the reserves of capital or heart that it would take to pour into opening a restaurant, but I do love company. I'd love to have friends over more often, but mine are far and afield, and it's a bit of a production for everyone to get down to my neck of the woods. I'm really grateful for the closeness of our little tribe and how much we all really love and (and thrive on) getting together.

Interestingly, I just came across an article that says extroverts are longer-lived. I think this makes sense.

I think this ties in more than a bit with the idea that laughter is the best medicine. Phlegmfest is this weekend and I am so looking forward to it. Himself has vowed he'll not exert himself and/or overheat but will sit talking and laughing, and will just generally enjoy being in the company of dear, loving friends.


  1. I dunno. Maybe introverts live longer, but nobody notices?

  2. Himself will have lots of people keeping an eye on him and helping him live a long and productive life. Of course he'll be trying to keep up with you!

  3. Steff666:05 AM

    Been thinking about you quite a bit of late and decided to blog-stalk you. I almost called you "Reet" in my comment on the June 4th post but I wasn't sure that was acceptable. Then I scrolled down and saw this one and just smiled. In my vision/dream, it was a little smoky, nightclub nee dive. You were owner and hostess, taking time to sing, once or twice a night. Perfect setting for you. I love you very much.

  4. Jess - mayhap be you are right!

    Gaffer - he had a good time and didn't overexert himself, to my relief!

    Josh K - :)

    Steff66 - KISMET! Glad you picked this time to blogstalk. I think of you often. We need to get together soon! And Reet is acceptable. :) I love you, too. :)
