
Saturday, April 21, 2012


I intensely dislike Blogger's new interface.


  1. They keep trying to force me to switch the gmail interface over too. I keep refusing....

  2. That's the problem with Blogger: you get what you pay for.

  3. Anonymous10:42 AM

    More than once a week I feel like ditching my blog and starting over elsewhere.

  4. Come over to the Dark Sid @ WP!
    Like me.
    THEN, like me, you may complain about them!

  5. I agree with you 150%. Plus it takes 3 times as long to load and I can't tell if several of my posts are missing or not.

  6. I haven't tried it yet. I'm comfortable with the one I've been using, and will stick with it until I'm forced to use the new one.
    Did you switch on your own?
    If you did, there's no way to go back?

  7. Meetttoooo also... sigh

  8. drjim, I think they've started forcing, but if I'm wrong, for folks on the new interface: on the Dashboard, there's a gear icon, click on that and see if there's still an option to switch back.

    And yes, thats why I left blogger. Course, kinda sucks right now too (they apparently think they own your information regardless of lack of permission), but Typepad has a freebie version...

  9. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Apparently no one likes the new interface. I think I've read more Blogger complaints than cat posts today, which is saying something!


  10. I'm so glad I left blogger way back when.

  11. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Come to the dark side (WP)! You get more for the same amount of money as with Blooger (free). Less customizability on the free blogs, but fewer annoyances than Bloggerbooger! (Booger still won't let me comment when I'm signed in to WP, 'cause they're hatin' on the competition that way.)

    Purple Magpie

  12. Ruth, I didn't notice it until about 5 minutes after I posted here, when I did a post of my own.
    Haven't tried to change it back, though.

  13. I clicked on the "gear" to look at the options, and there's no "Take me Back!" or anything similar.
    And I looked at all the other config options, with no luck.
    I've got a WordPress account with a "test blog" set up. Maybe I'll experiment a bit with it, and *finally* decide which I like better.
