
Friday, March 16, 2012

This will recharge my batteries: Xizi She Knows by Imogen Heap

Yay! A new Imogen Heap album will be along soon.

The video below was shot December 9 in Hangzhou as she was in China for 6 weeks for a British cultural exchange.

The tonality and percussiveness of Chinese music weaves seamlessly into the warp and the weft of Imogen's own complex layering of ethereal sounds that makes me love her so much. Can a tour be far behind? I hope not. Be assured I'll be clearing my calendar for that. :)

1 comment:

  1. Imogen Heap is working on an album, releasing a new song for download every couple of months. The CD and tour will probably happen next year at her current rate of production.

    I prefer CDs over downloaded files, but considering what happened with Sony's badly handled US release of "Speak For Yourself", I can't blame her for doing an end run around the record companies.
