
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Rarely has pulling a lever for a presidential candidate been an undiluted pleasure for me, but...

...if current trends continue, I don't see any candidate I could vote for without the bile rising in my gorge. I think I'll be writing in my preference in November.

*le sigh*


  1. As long as the surname isn't obama then thats fine but if you don't vote republican (Romney?) just how will you reconcile with yourself having contributed to 4 more years of the destruction of America. Seems rather trite now to say it but..." Happy new year"

  2. Good point, can we vote for common sense???

  3. Happy Mayan Apocalypto!

  4. Writing in Benedict Cumberbatch? He doesn't qualify

    Irene Adler! I may have to break two countries' copyright laws tomorrow night to get a peek.

  5. Thud: problem with Romney is that I despair that he seems not a marked improvement on O to me. Happy new year, anyway!

    OldNFO - Hear! Hear!

    DirtCrashr - I ain't skeered of that! Happy one to you, too.

    Roscoe : but he has such a cool name!

  6. Methinks...Opus.
    Yes!! Opus the Penguin for President.
    and Pee Wee Herman for VP.
    A ticket of Substance and Action!!
