
Thursday, November 03, 2011

Victoria's granny panty secret: auctioned royal knickers fetch big bucks

Silk bloomers belonging to Queen Victoria have fetched more than $15,000 on the auction block. Isn't it funny that an old pair of bloomers would be deemed significant enough to garner that degree of interest?

I suppose she never had her manky yard-work day panties that had been wallowed by puppehs at the bottom of the laundry basket. *snerk* The royal monogram on them looks very prim, don't you think? I also found this little article that says the hand-me-down bloomers were likely to have been given to a servant.

I am reminded of Bill Clinton's first year in office and he and Hils filed their first tax return, replete with itemized write-off receipt for cast-off items donated to Goodwill. The listed his Ermengildo Zegna used underwear as having a high re-sell value of $12.00, which I thought was a bit cheeky. I think they should have taken a crack a ebay-- no telling how much they could have made!


  1. I'm inspired to auction off my threadbare granny panties now!

  2. LOL, too funny! It is pretty ironic, as underwear is almost NEVER passed down, since it's pretty well used up...

  3. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I would bid for your underthings, dear.

  4. Barbara - That, or we could set up a used-panty vending machine in Tokyo

    Old NFO - I sort of think it should NOT be passed down. Then again, I think I posted on that about a year and a half ago

    Anonymous - *blush*
