
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sitting in the dr office lobby (yes, again)... strikes me that shows with laugh tracks of supposed studio audiences pretty much make my skin crawl. One-liner hell. It was one thing when the show was "The Honeymooners" or somesuch, but the dross tv churns out right now looks, from this small sample, like the death-knell for a civilization.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Canned laughter is one of THE most annoying things about TV.
    I don't need to be told when something is funny!

  2. You know what's really creepy? Find some videos online where they've deleted the laugh track.

    Some of those shows are downright disturbing.

  3. Hopefully the Doc will get you back on your feet again. thinking of you!

  4. I detest almost all of current TV programming and I agree. Death-knell indeed. Going for the lowest common denominator seems to keep redefining that term.

  5. And I hope the Doctor visit went OK!

  6. Feel better soon Phlegmmy.

    I know what you mean about TV. I don't watch it - ever - and whenever I find myself confronted with one and typical shows, I often find myself looking over the side to see if we truly are in the express elevator to hell...

  7. Anonymous8:03 AM

    how you're on the mend soon


  8. Can you tell it's the same laugh track that it was way back when you realized it was a laugh track?

    The same guy laughs first and everyone follows...

    Hope it went well.
