
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

I love Megan from Bridesmaids

This movie is so funny. If you like tacky, it's supremely funny. It's sort of a female version of The Hangover. *hee*


  1. The clip is hysterical! I hadn't even thought about watching it, but I may have to now.

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    You know, I actually saw that movie and I found it supremely depressing...

  3. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Thought about you today as I pulled up an old post(5 years ago). Your comment still makes me laugh!

  4. Evil - check it out-- you'll laugh yourself silly.

    Silver- I can see it from that view, too, but I felt the overriding message was that she finally and clearly heard the message from multiple sources, and processed the information that she had created her own problems. I thought that despite the scary and horrid characters, the message was uplifting, in the main.

    leazwell-- awww-- that's sweet to hear. good to see your name here!
