
Sunday, September 11, 2011

13,000 and holding, swallowed in the purring of her engines...

Ten years ago this date, I was sleeping late, and the phone rang. I answered, knew it was bad when my sister told me "turn on the television, any channel." I turned on a channel and there it was, my eyes bleared with sleep, a smoking tower in New York, World Trade Center, impossible amounts of smoke, the tower standing, and I'm thinking "weren't there two of them?" Roused from the oblivion of sleep not two minutes prior, I couldn't really process it. What is happening?

Thousands of regular folks went to work that beautiful Fall morning, doing their decent best with no intent of ill to another living soul, and to be met with this.

I cried watching this video. I don't know much more than I knew 10 years ago, but I know now as I knew then that such brutal ugliness should never be met with pacifism. Heaps of coals on the head of anyone responsible for such acts of ignorant barbarism.

1 comment:

  1. The music ties it together nicely, but it's still a horror story...
