
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

When anal bleaching is a bridge not quite far enough:

I do not think that word means what they think it means.

Lancome had ads yanked for airbrushed photos. Since when is that surprising, seriously??? You know how we knew the photo was airbrushed? Her mouth is closed. :P


  1. LOL- Honesty in advertising, who'd a thunk it... :-)

  2. So how many Kevin Smith movies have you seen?

    Smith is widely credited with creating the other meaning for that word. "Clerks" was nearly the first film rated NC-17 for dialogue alone so, yeah, I believe it.

  3. I have to give Lancome the benefit of doubt. There is always the possibility they didn't actually air brush that much. They might have just touched up the abrasions from sandblasting the wrinkles.

  4. "Teint" does NOT equal "taint"...thank heavens!

    Or, one could always use the old standby, "gooch". ;)

  5. I've never understood the Julia Roberts fascination...if she really looked like that, I might have...

  6. I'm fond of Julia Roberts' movies! She looks stunning in this ad. This just shows the wide variety of her talents.
