
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Remember my treehouse lights?

Squirrels have chewed through the wires. This is war. Me and my little Dead Squirrel Whisperer* may not stem the onslaught of your kind entirely, but we will be a pox on your houses. Srsly.

I'm thinking of taking up squirrel taxidermy.

Yup. I just might do it. Me an my bitch will rain fiery squirrelly death in my yard. You think I'm kidding. I jihad you! Frelling squirrels!

There's going to be plenty of your little carcasses around. I have most of a brick of Super Colibri left, and another brick where that came from. I'll get you, my pretties, with my little dog, too!



  1. A rat trap will work. Use a wood screw to mount it to a branch higher than Praline can climb and bait it with a pecan. Besides taking care of your problem, it works when you're not around.

  2. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Fried squirrel is pretty good.


  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Have you enlisted the help of Himself for your squirrell jihad?
