
Sunday, April 03, 2011

I think I'm safe in saying...

I speak for everyone when I say that Katie Perry's song Firework can not die screaming soon enough for any of us. Went to see a movie Friday night and it was in the trailer for two movies designed to appeal to prepubescent folk. "make them say ugh ugh ugh, as you circle the bowl." Just shut up already. Don't you have someone to kiss, or something?

Other stuff that should die screaming:

Car sound systems that jar the bowels of neighboring motorists. Incinerate. On the spot. No questions asked.

Vandals. Die. Screaming.

Mondays. I've got a mad-on for Mondays. Why don't I like them?

More caffeine, pls.


  1. What is it with Katy Perry and shooting stuff out of her boobies? First whipped cream and now roman candles.

    She's a pretty enough girl, but I'd be afraid to get with her, not knowing what might come blasting out of there next. You never know if you're getting rainbows or locusts...

  2. So I went and watched the video for "Fireworks", and I actually kind of liked it.

    The music's a little inane, but that's what I expect in modern pop.

  3. I'm 100% with you, Phlegmmy! Grrr, grrr, grrr. Screaming-DEATH! to the vandals who play Katy Perry too loudly in their cars on a Monday! I hate all of 'em! Especially when it is Monday and I'm suffering a caffeine deficiency. Now, where did I put that flamethrower...

  4. I saw Katie Perry in an acne medicine commercial.

    Nuff said.

  5. BGMiller3:25 PM

    RE: Over loud car audio with heavy bass.
    I keep saying I'm going to build some sort of magnetic field device that would fry the amps and/or blow out the speakers of offending vehicles.

    If I ever get it done I will gladly ship you one for testing.


  6. I say just shoot the damn stereo in the loud cars... :-) And yes, Monday SUCKS!!!

  7. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I'm with you, I'm sure a focused magnetic field could be made. Kind of like those TV remotes that just perpetually cycle through every brand's "OFF" command, it would bring some peace to my day.
