
Friday, April 01, 2011

Ain't it a pretty night?

So, there I was after working 12 hours. I love love LOVE working from home, btw. I'm in a better humour, and it's a lot easier to feel chipper about helping out the new hires when there are crises with their customers. The puppies sleep more than I ever would have imagined, and I can think so much more clearly without chaos erupting all about me. I got off work after 9pm Thursday night and went for a walk. I called Mom and we talked for a bit. Then I called Lin. I told her Orion was low in the West and soon, we wouldn't see him at all at night. She said it made her think of her old Chinese hair dresser who used to say "you have so much hair! Is just rike a rion!" I laughed and laughed. Anyway, I was walking along, looking up occasionally at the incredibly clear night sky with its profusion of stars. The temperature was about 62, and I had a light jacket on, but it was very pleasant. All along empty streets, most houses had at least one window aglow with the blue light that signaled a tv within. No one else was out walking. Pity, because the night sky had to be vastly more captivating than whatever was on the tube. Then again, I'm big-hearted enough to enjoy it for everyone. Yeah, I was packing and I also had a very nice knife (lovely gift, that!) along with me as I walked about town, but I thought what a quiet and peaceful little place this is. Not much going on. Then I came across something that at once saddened me on several levels. Someone had spray-painted graffiti on a sidewalk. I chuckled over this and walked on. Then I had to make the block and come back around to take a photo. I was sad because someone would do something so juvenile and tasteless as to graffiti a sidewalk in town. What made me ever more sad was what a pig's ear they made of the job of drawing a dog bone. Tsk. Tsk. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Funny :-) glad it is working out for ya!

  2. People that spray paint graffiti are dicks.

  3. I saw that exact dog bone on the library wall the other day! How weird!

  4. Yes, that's an awful shaped bone :)

  5. Something about the oddness of the graffiti doesn't set well. The suspicious light came on, and all I could think of was gang, or drug, activity. Maybe I'm wrong, but you be careful.
