
Friday, March 11, 2011

working from home...

I've always thought I'd do well working from home. Whatever my job is, I'm very energized for my tasks. Problem with my job lately is that the office is getting so noisy that it's-- if I'm honest-- getting so loud that it sets my teeth on edge. About 6 weeks ago I began to heavily lobby for setting up a workstation so I can telecommute.

I got word Tuesday this can be done as soon as I have the phone and internet in place, so I got on the horn with the phone company to get that set up. Thursday night, for the first time, I had a doubt. I'm a very social creature-- will this be bad for me-- to stay home and not get out amongst people? I kind of think not, but it's definitely a consideration. Then again, in January, I received 1004 calls and made 1440 calls. Somehow, I do believe that counts as human contact. Some of these calls go on for as long as an hour. It will be nice to not feel self-conscious about the sounds of a block party breaking out behind me when I'm talking on the phone.

There's a bit of pressure in this regard, too, because if I don't do well, then this will bode ill for others who would like a crack at telecommuting for our company. I feel a little pressure, but I think I'll do well. I vow to get out of bed more than 5 minutes before my shift starts. I vow to eat out in restaurants less at lunchtime. (YAYS!) Perhaps most importantly, I vow not to stay in pajamas for 3 days in a row.

Whatever the case, it's going to be different. I'll do my best. Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck, Phlemmy!
    It's very doable if you can manage to keep the distractions under control. I do a lot of "consulting" (a.k.a. 'unemployed engineer'!)these days, and the only time I can do it well is during the day when I'm here alone. As soon as my wife gets home, though, I find it very hard to do, even if I haven't finished what task I'm being paid to do. She doesn't understand that if I'm in the middle of writing a report, it really derails me to have to stop and do something else. A "10 minute job" will add an extra HOUR to the task because it gets me out of sync with what I was doing.

  2. Good Luck Phlegmmy! I'm jealous.

  3. What drjim said. Its all about controlling the environment in which you work. Setting a mental state when you enter that space that you are "at work" is harder.

  4. Working from home is lovely. I work from home every day and the Spousal Unit does so 75% of the time. It's quite nice to have somebody else to chat to when taking a break, but regardless, there is always the internest.

  5. ...And the puppehs will love it!

  6. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Good luck!!! You'll do great. And I'm a wee bit envious too... Especially with gas (the cheap stuff) at $3.80 in my neck of the woods here in Califreakia.
