
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I promise this won't turn into a-pup-a-day, but...

It's been really cold here, and the puppies have been curled up and shivering on the sofa for two days. I decided I wanted them closer, so I set them up a little nest on a chair next to mine, and they curled up and snuggled. Was very cute and a very soothing effect to have them near at hand for occasional petting as I was on the phone all day. Am quickly discovering that in light of my workaholic tendencies, I'm going to be working a whole-whole-bunch. Will be good for the bank account, and I'm getting a lot accomplished, and helping out the new folks who have hired in the last month or so. The day flies by when I'm at home, and I'm near windows and not cooped up in a fluorescent veal pen. Much better, this way. I promise I'll blog about something besides pups and work sometime soon-- there's always school! I'm actually looking forward to going back to bellydance class this summer when the semester is over. :)

Wow. One quarter of this year is already over. How???

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Personally, I would enjoy two puppy posts each day. Your pups are one of the biggest reasons I read your blog each day.

  2. BGMiller3:20 PM

    Pup-a-Day is A-OK.

    Fluorescent veal pens......I'm going to shamelessly steal that line. On the plus side if I feel the person I use it in conversation with is not too stupid I'll send 'em here.

    Belly dancing class......Great....another reason for me to be jealous of LD....


  3. Cute :-0 And globull warming my ass... sigh...
