
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

eyes on stalks, smoke roiling from ears...

I'm sorry. If I seem a bit vacant, a bit like my brain is fried, well, it is.

Among the other hours and hours of homework I have from this one maths class, we are working on factorials(!) I've never heard of factorials in my life. I was wondering if this concept was formulated in the intervening 20-something years since I was in high school. Apparently not. Apparently, factorials have been around for a couple centuries.

I'm sort of getting a grip, but I have a major test tonight. I hold little hope of earning another 100, alas. I feel like my brain is a little fried, honestly. I don't know how young adults do all this crap and still manage to pull all-nighters with booze and other recreational activities. I have one class and I'm barely holding it together. This is discouraging, as I'd begun to hope I might actually pull off an A.

Still hoping for that, but let's face it: I'm tired.


  1. I was screwing around with my calculator, when I noticed some keys I was unfamiliar with. So, I did a little research and found out how to work with the statistical functions. Neat stuff, especially since it does the math. A little pushing of buttons and the fact winning the lottery is highly unlikely became immediately apparant.

  2. factorials(!)

    Made my day!

  3. I actually do remember factorials from math class about one hundred years ago, but it's pretty much the only thin that stuck. Good luck with the exam!

  4. Good luck Phlegmmy, and remember, you are ALSO holding down a full time job, working on the house, caring for two dogs, and in a relationship...

    It's not like you're busy or anything, so what's the problem :-)
