
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Re: Previous Post which I stated my views on proper singing and pointed out an example of its diametric opposite...

I don't normally post my response to comments on the main blog page, but these comments so amused me that I have to point them out, lest anyone should miss them.

Joe Allen, referring to the Bette Midler video quipped :

Joe Allen said...
I wasn't looking at first - I thought the first one was Barry White with a head cold...

BTW, just saw on Regretsy some NSFW footwear for you:

Then some clever soul offered:

Anonymous said...
Classically trained = music snob. Nobody cares about your opinion.

To which came the gallant rejoinder:

Joe Allen said...
Anonymous = cloth-eared nincompoop.

I'd always wondered what sort of idle slackwit heaves themselves off the couch to respond "no opinion" to phone polls, now I know.

I'll not bother to point out that even the most rudimentary instruction can enhance and increase one's appreciation and understanding of any art form - it's clear that you're not burdened with an overabundance of education of any sort.

I'll just ask that if you're going to be boorish enough to insult our fine hostess, at least have the decency to sign your own name to it.

While you're having a listen to your "fuzzy warbles", have a look at the shoe link I posted earlier. It's directly applicable.

I can't say it any better than Joe did, but I will add that it's giggle-inducing to think that someonone make a big production of saying that no one cares about my opinion. I am struck by the irony that they cared enough to come here and read in the first place, and will probably come back to see if I got an ouchie from the cruel words. If you must know, I chuckled.


  1. I'm guessing your detractor is a Bette Midler Fan. I am too, but not really for her singing. She's a hell of a funny lady when she's cranked up. He ability to play the campy, semi-trashy character is admirable. Her singing, however, can be painfully sharp, or flat.

  2. Jon - I adored Bette in Ruthless People and Big Business is one of my all-time favorite films. She's a brilliant entertainer, and that perhaps made her performance in the video all the more surprising to me. I certainly meant no slight or to people who-- rightly so -- love and admire her. Her Rose in Big Business was comedic genius, and I'll alwYs be very fond of her. My post was never meant to be an attack. Nor was it snobbery. Was merely observational. Likewise, neither my view nor anyone else's should impede anyone's enjoyment of said performer.

  3. I like Stevie Nicks, too, but her rendition of "Silent Night" is in the same genre of a William Shatner tune.

    In my youth, I took piano, played in the band and even had a short spell of playing clubs with different bands. My experience with music has led me to believe the truly great singers can get passed by the glitter and hype.

  4. I am a proud music snob thank you very much. And yet, I still very much enjoy a lot of music that is not technically perfect or even correct. For some, I enjoy the entertainment value. I did graduate from the same high school as Garth Brooks after all. Later than he did.
