
Monday, January 31, 2011

A most excellent occasion.

This weekend, I hosted a grand (if slightly early) party in celebration of Himself's upcoming birthday, and some of the loveliest folks were in attendance.

The esteemed Old NFO arrived in town first Friday afternoon, followed closely by Vine and FarmGirl (bringing an offering of delectable brew from the Nerds).
Then Chris joined us for dinner and finally AmbulanceDriver arrived late. The next morning Jennifer and EvylRobot arrived, the fruit of their loins in tow. We headed out to the local greasy spoon for breakfast and ruled the roost in the non-smoking room. Then JPG and Holly arrived (deviled-eggs!!!), followed soon by MattG and his lovely missus. The party was in full swing by the time the marvelous Christina appeared, in from a hard day's slog and with a big pot of delicious chili. Somewhere in the festivities, Gneil the Gnome made an appearance and took a samurai whack at the traditional birthday cake. Kitchen bitches did oodles of dishes for me, lessening the chore load and making the cooking a little more efficient.

Fire roaring in the chimenea on Saturday night, we sat around and told stories and a grand time was had by all. Squirrels got up to mischief but managed to avoid a proper seeing-to. See previous redneck party post for details.

Great ideas were hatched and still more were germinated. Holly and I really must start our holster manufacturing operation. We're going to make bra holsters and call them Cannon Cups™. [cheeseball tag line: "Hey, guys! Check out these guns!"]... Possible alternate blog title: Sprechen Sie Bitch? Possibly a vocal ensemble is in the offing. More on all these later.

Some dear folks couldn't attend and they were sorely missed, but it was a most excellent occasion, and I thank all our friends for making the trek out to Little Town.


  1. We really missed all of you this weekend. I do plan on making the trek down there as soon as things settle down a bit. We love you all!!!

  2. The all-weekend parties really are the best possible kind! It sounds like you know how to throw em!

  3. Damned sorry we couldn't make it, but at least we were there in spirits.

    Nobody fraudulated their way into the stout prematurely, I trust?

  4. Seeing as how the OTHER case was there mostly to make sure the Dog didn't give away most of his gift at his own party...

  5. I dipped freely into the GD beer, and never saw a single unauthorized hand reach into the LD case, NerdFolk. Wish you could have made it, friends.

    It was fine time, indeed.

  6. It was a 'blast', but we didn't get to blast anything (this time)... :-)

    Thank you both for the fantastic hosting!

  7. What a marvelous time we all had! Thanks so much for hosting all of us, especially my pups...and I still maintain that your couch is measures of magnitude more comfortable than my bed!

  8. Sounds like a good time was had by all.


  9. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all! Wish we could have made it!
