
Thursday, December 02, 2010

rain on a metal roof

Wow. Someone put a video (audio?) on youtube of an entire hour of rain on a metal roof as a sleep aid. I want to put a metal roof on this house. It's such a nice sound, s'long as there's no hail.


  1. This is good for people that suffer from tinnitus like me. Thanks.

  2. Hail DOES get a bit noisy... BTDT didn't get much sleep...

  3. It rains so much here and if it is true that it is a sleep aid then I'd be rip van bloody winkle.

  4. Dig it. I spent Thanksgiving weekend at my moms house, and she had an alarm clock that played 6 different 'nature'sounds...crickets, birds chirping, lightly rumbling thunder, rain, waves at the beach, and water falls.
    I loved the water falls, because if I put that one on, within 5 minutes my wife was jumping out of bed and running for the bathroom.
