
Monday, September 20, 2010

I find it interesting...

...that with all the profound proestations of the media over the British Petroleum spill down to the very sackcloth-and-ashes and gnashing-of-teeth routine, that there's very little news out there at all about the oil well's leak having effectively been stopped. I saw a teaser about this on, but it's not a top story, apparently.

Can this be because the bad puddy-tat BP proved effective underscoring of the MSM's perennial drumbeat of environmentalism/gubmint oversight into private business/go green partylines, but for BP to be able to affect a stemming of the flow of oil does not dovetail with their message?

Whatever the reason, I feel offended on many levels. I'm offended there is a heavy-handed delivery of a story which I'm sure was sickening to BP execs, employees and investors as it was to the rest of us, and I'm offended that when BP finally was able to correct the situation, the media seem to be very light-touched about getting the word out.

Am I mis-perceiving this? Would I feel differently if I owned a television? Correct me if the MSM are ballyhooing the closure of the well, please.


  1. FOX News (the TV channel) ran stories about the well being declared dead, but they weren't breaking news by the time I got around to catching the news cycle. I couldn't tell you if FOX reported this as breaking news earlier in the day or not, honestly.

    And I don't bother with the other news channels, so I really couldn't tell you if they covered this news or how.

    My perception would probably be different if I actually watched the TV news instead of using my set primarily for football and Adult Swim programming late at night, though. :)

  2. My Yahoo e-mail, in its recent improvements, now offers the five top stories of the day on internet, and this definitely was one. I did see it on at least one TV outlet, but generally I forget to watch, having lived without TV for seven years and preferring music and a book most evenings. But I were a journalist once upon a time, and some things don't change--After all this time, it's anticlimatic. I am hearing a lot of radio snippets that it is closed, and Gulf Coast states will be continuing to deal with aftermath for years. That's true, actually. I also heard some news that Gulf shrimpers are having trouble selling their catch because of the perception of the public that Gulf marine life isn't safe.
    In general, though, when the conflict is over, journalists go away. Especially months later.
    No matter, we all know.
    And you confirm my suspicion that the most interesting people I know watch television very little, or not at all.:)

  3. You're correct Phlegmmy... good news doesn't lead, only BAD (blame Bush) news leads on MSM...

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    The only "sexy news" is bad news. "Good news" is NOT sexy. Ergo...

  5. Steve Skubinna8:11 AM

    What do you mean, BP capped the well? I thought Obama did it. Of course, he had to manage one handed, because he needed the other to fight off the predatory attacks of BP executives, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck.

  6. I saw stories about the final capping for a couple of days before it was actually accomplished.
    What I haven't seen is more than a snippet about the oil that had been on the Gulf floor due to the top kill chemicals now rising to the surface. I'd also like to hear more about the continuing damage to coastal areas and marshes. The oil is STILL playing havoc with wetlands and the wildlife therein.
