
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Housekeeping: The Dogs of Others

Rolling back to Little Town with Himself Sunday, a little dog was running around in the middle of a 4 lane non-divided highway, bewildered and frightened. I saw him almost get hit by cars twice and I couldn't stand it. Himself said "go back. You're just gonna worry if you don't." Was a little Boston Terrier and in pretty good shape. I felt sickly even as I pulled over-- was he going to get run over, or was I going to end up with an extra dog around the house? Who knew which was worse?

Anyway, we drove right over to Little Town PD and Himself went in to make inquiries. Turned out someone had been looking a couple days for a dog that met this selfsame description. They called the number and left a message.

Back home about 10 minutes later, we got a phone call-- the people who'd lost a dog were up at the PD and I said I'd be right over.

Happy reunion and all. I was so relieved the little dog didn't get smushed, and I was so relieved he wasn't going to be staying very long at my place. My house is flush for pups...

...or very nearly... There's a little chiweenie in a yard we walk by when we go for our nearly nightly walks. I've dubbed her Miss Muffin, and she's an absolute gem. When she sees us coming, she otter-lopes through the tall grass. She probably wouldn't make 8 pounds, but she's a long little thing, and super-cute.

Muffin's house has had a For Sale sign in the yard for the whole of this year. I was crestfallen on Saturday when I saw the day-glo orange surveyor flags at the corners of the property. The next day an "under contract" bit was added to the realtor's sign. I'm heartsick. Muffin is the only little dog I'd actually work to make fit into my little pack at the moment. Taking treats to her every night has been a highpoint of our walks, and I'm going to be so blue not to see her yappy little self there in the future. :( I wish I had some staggering pile of cash to offer the owner of the house to let me have her.



Got a cheapie reel mower this weekend, Himself put it together, and he mowed most of the yard for me and I did a bit of mowing, as well. LOVE. IT. So much quieter, so much more pleasant than a mechanized mower. The good thing is this one is in time for the cooler weather, and I expect it to be a less brutal ordeal than pushing 30 or 40 pounds of gas-powered mower over the long haul. There's something meditative about the snickety-snickety whirr of the blades, too.


  1. God bless you for picking up the poor little lost dog.

  2. What drjim said. You saved a life!!

    And about Miss Muffin: why don't you ask the owner anyway if they need a new home for her? Maybe it's not the same in TX as it is in CA -- but here it seems like the people move away and leave their dogs behind. Are the owners forced to move? What if they have to rent and can't keep the dog? Best keep an eye out on Miss Muffin! Can't hurt to ask...

  3. Anonymous8:51 AM

    "meditative"... huh huh ha ha hhaaa haaa bbwwaahhhhaaa....
    (clearing throat).... ummm... sorry.
    Oh, and the IRONY of it being called a "reel" mower ...bahhahhhaa.
    Oops... sorry... again.
    Hey, a person DOES get more exercise... THAT'S a good thing.

  4. Another fine puppeh story. A good hearted heroine, with a hero in tow save a puppeh from certain death.

    The happy reunion was good, but I knew that the puppeh would be safe no matter what happened.

  5. 'Flush with pups' - how I know that feeling. It probably wouldn't stop me from picking up a pooch in distress either! You have a tender heart Miss Phelgmmy.

  6. Thanks for taking care of the poor puppy!

    The reel mowers are wonderful provided you never let the grass get long, never let weeds get high, and always keep the blades sharp. If one of these three conditions fails, they turn into a reel pain, and it's time to ask a friend or neighbor with a power mower over.

  7. Y'all done good... And you WILL get exercise with that reel mower!
