
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Christina's Blog Party... in which a whole bunch of cool kids showed up

Christina had a fab party last Friday. Tons o'cool kids came. There was Hols and JPG, Matt G, Jennifer, EvylRobot, AEPilot Jim, DanielS and his lovely Missus, Jennifer (and some fab pink metallic heels)and EvylRobot with some finely-wrought holsters, Sylvilagus Aquaticus and his lovely lady, Okierhio and her blackberry pie, Silver, Chaos, TallyAngel, Mulligan, Ambulance Driver and Miss KatyBeth, John the Texaner, Mr&Mrs BobS, and of course, my favorite redhead Himself. There were several other folk in attendance, so if I've left anyone out, yank my chain and I'll add you to the list. Was a delight to see everyone. We were there but for a couple hours, and I'd been up since 5 or so, so we hit the road and headed home relatively early.

It was a grand affair, and I saw Christina receive a fabulous hostess gift - a .22 rifle. See? She's a natural!

Oh, see LawDog in the picture below. I couldn't bear to crop out that lovely red hair. Anyhoo, I think Christina makes quite the handsome lady with her new boomstick. It was so adorable how she gripped it in her mitts for the first time and hollered "Now I'm officially a Texan! Now they won't kick me out!"

Ah, Christina darlin', I think you've been a bit of a Texan all along! ;)


  1. Phlegm,

    It was an absolute pleasure meeting you and Himself at the party.

    I wish we would have had more time to talk but my Bride was needing some rest.

    We'll definitely have to have another get together -- maybe when things settle down for us, I can convince the Missus to throw a shindig.

  2. It was wonderful meeting you and Himself. Looking forward to the next time we can get together. Are you averse to camping? Maybe in the fall. The land is private...
    Although, it's not exactly conducive to fabulous shoes. I do have bright red Doc Martens :)

  3. Yes, t'was wonderful to see all y'all and meet the new folkses!

    As big as our yard is and as standoffish as our neighbors are, we could reciprocate and run suppressed weapons out back or in the sun room. I've been conspiring to smoke a brisket one of these days anyway.

    Kitten Hopkins is absolutely adorable. He's been climbing everywhere and loves riding on shoulders. We saw a rat snake in the drive and started to bring him in for introductions, but he wasn't thick enough to do more than make a piss ant a wrasslin' jacket. Mike could have trimmed out some interesting holsters, though.

    Once again, it was wunnerful seeing you all, and we need to make this a moveable, rotating event, no?

  4. Awww, the moment immortalized! Thanks, Phlegmmy! And thank you both for making the long drive to come out and socialize, I know you were tired. I'm honored to be a Texan, btw. We had so much fun and I hope we can do it again soon!

    Jennifer, as long as there's a place to shower, camping is just fine. I can sleep anywhere, but I need to be CLEAN. :D

    Rabbit, "Hopkins" what an adorable name! How did you think of it? His brother Bruiser also has quite the preference for shoulder riding, as I discovered a few days ago.

    I love the idea of a rotating blog-meet/potluck; we'd always have fun for sure!

  5. Sounds like the usual good time! Sorry I missed it (again)... the commute would have been HELL...
