
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I do love to read...

...but I don't have a lot of spare time for some reason. It seems I stay busy all the time, and I don't even have a tv plugged in. Also, reading can be a bit of a slog for me sometimes. I have to be in the right frame of mind for some books, and some I've never been able to make it through at all. Not so with Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey. This was a rollicking good read and I ploughed through it in just a few days. It's nice to rediscover the feeling of really itching to know what's going to happen to a character. The eponymous character gets thowed down to Hell by some magic-dabbling buddies, and he ends up playing gladiator and smoter of demons and other creepy-crawlies, and then he shuffles back to this mortal coil to exact revenge on the baddies wot sent him to hell. Oh, and he's kind of stupid, so it's like a cooler, bad-assier reverse-image Forrest Gump with a better sound track and the slight nose-burning singe of fire and brimstone.
Good times.


  1. I'll have to pick that one up! Thanks!

  2. These are the last two books I burned through virtually nonstop.

    Kinda old, but we have small kids so I don't have a lot of time.

  3. (sigh) Even your books are kinda trendy, like your footware. But I'm beaming because you seldom watch TV either.

    I do watch TV occasionally--like NOVA on public TV, or the HGTV shows, But yeah, I read more and have other stuff to do. Some folks are of the opinion I would be more trendy if I DID watch more TV, but you prove that's not true. So watching can be a contingency but not a causal effect on trendy. Good to know.
